
topics I speak to

ERGs 2.0: A Journey through the Past, Present, and Future of Employee Resource Groups

Explore the rich history, examine the current landscape, and delve into the exciting future prospects of Employee Resource Groups. This session will provide valuable insights into the evolution of ERGs, offering a comprehensive overview of their journey and what lies ahead

Next Level ERGs: Scale for Employee Resource Groups

Discover the significance of scale in the context of ERGs and gain practical knowledge on how to effectively expand and amplify the impact of your ERG. Using the acronym SCALE as our guide, we will explore various strategies and answer critical questions on scaling ERGs to new heights.

Harnessing the Power of Data as an ERG Leader

As an ERG leader, understanding the right metrics to measure and leveraging available data is crucial for success. In this session, you will learn about the essential metrics to track, explore the data resources at your disposal, and discover actionable ways to utilize this data effectively for your ERG's benefit.

Boosting ERG Engagement: Strategies to Analyze and Increase Participation

Low engagement can pose challenges for ERGs, but it is not insurmountable. Join this session to explore effective methods for analyzing and enhancing ERG engagement from all participants. Through insightful discussions, you will gain practical tips and strategies to foster active involvement within your ERG.

Bounce Back from ERG Leader Burnout

ERG leader burnout is a common occurrence, but recognizing its symptoms and finding resolutions are vital for personal and organizational well-being. This session will shed light on the signs of ERG leader burnout and provide practical strategies for bouncing back, promoting resilience, and maintaining a healthy balance in your role.

10 Ways to Improve your ERG Site

Enhance the internal online presence of your ERG with this session, which focuses on ten key features to consider for your ERG's website or wiki page. You will gain valuable insights on how to optimize your ERG site to help increase your ERGs membership and engagement.

Additional Workshops

  • ERG Communications that Build Community
  • Increasing Member Engagement
  • ERG Annual Event Planning
  • Incorporating Allyship into your ERGs
  • Mission Statement Creation
  • Role Specific Workshops (Co Chairs, Events Leads, Communications Leads, Finance/Member Engagement Leads)
Customized programming and workshops available
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Companies I’ve Spoken for

ALI Conferences
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
EQ Community Podcast
EQI Mindset
ERG Leadership Alliance
Intranet Reloaded
Jack Henry
Project Management Institute
Raven Solomon’s “The DEI ER”
Virgin Pulse
Western Governors University


The FAQ+ Bank was incredibly helpful! I combined it with the succession planning doc youshared with me earlier this year to develop a ERG Leadership Structure + FAQ Document forour Leads and folks interested in being leads and have received great feedback! Our org wideERG Program Survey closed Friday and I’ve received some invaluable insights on theorganizations understanding and perception of our ERG Program as well. I’m incredibly excitedfor the changes ahead and your templates have made the process easier!

- Sydney Savage
Maceo is a trailblazer in the world of ERGs, her passion translates into a sincere approach inhelping people operationalize how transform their ERG programs. She is knowledgable aboutall things spreadsheets, boosting engagement, and best practices for relaunch. She helped meorganize member lists with all of the patience in the world and generously offered her time whenI lacked the technical background. She's a force to be reckoned with!

-Renae Ingram, VP, Equity & Continual Learning at Innovate Public Schools
Maceo Owens walks the walk!

I was first acknowledged of Maceo when I did an Employee Experience panel and one of theother guests mentioned that he was ramping up his companies ERG with the guidance ofMaceo, aka 'The ERG Homegirl'! Intrigued by the name I checked out here LinkedIn profile andnot only saw SO many resources provided on her page but a welcoming, Open To Helpingbanner around her profile image. I almost never get a response when I reach out to someonewho says they are open to help but I took a chance and she responded so quickly. We set up ameeting for the following week and I was blown away by our interaction!Maceo was extremely welcoming and authentic right at the bat! I felt comfortable expressing toher my lack of experience in certain ERG areas, the pain points, my goals, etc. From ourcommunication she was able to assess what was needed for my ERG's success, tangible waysto start the process, and metrics to note for ongoing reviews. I left the meeting with a clear plan,renewed excitement for relaunching my ERG's and an admiration for all things Maceo. Sheevent went above and beyond with following up with some resources on items we haddiscussed!She hasnt stopped helping there either, I just watched her video, Ep #9 | The 4 Key Roles ERGExecutive Sponsors Play, and The Fortune 500 ERG Report: Shedding Light on ERGEcosystem and got so many gems from these that I am also implementing into our ERGprogram to keep improving!Thank you Maceo for your passion, authenticity, and big moves to making ERG's across theboard as impactful as possible!!!

- Melissa Smith, Tebra
Maceo Owens knows how to build effective ERG spaces. ERG spaces have been the lifeline tomy career progression. Having dedicated spaces to ask and answer questions that addressaspects of my intersectionality have been essential to my professional development. Myinvolvement in these spaces has also expanded my understanding of how co-workers show upto work. Work is not one size fits all. Most companies know and embrace this concept. However,a gap still exists between awareness and effective applications for how all employees canthrive. In just a few minutes of speaking to Maceo you will learn how to build meaningfulconnections between employee experiences, and business needs. Equal parts science and art,Maceo's ERG Movement strategies are good for business.

- Garrett Bantom, Program Manager, Meta
Maceo was fantastic. My organization had Maceo as a speaker in 2 capacities: One for an opendiscussion around Fostering Effective Allyship and a smaller session for our ERG leadsregarding boosting Engagement. She brings a wealth of knowledge to the table and allowed forpeople to press into why they are in an ERG, what it looks like to be an active ally, and how togrow an already thriving ERG community. Thank you, Maceo!

- Javonda Quinn
Maceo and the ERG Movement has played a crucial part in my development as an ERG leaderand founder. Maceo has always been open to sharing best practices, talk about her experienceas an ERG leader and connect individually with others.While launching ERGs at my organization, Maceo provided one-on-one time to provide thoughtpartnership and help talk out loud about my ideas, as well as what she has seen work and why.Maceo is a selfless individual looking to give back to the ERG community at no cost. The ERGMovement is an invaluable tool to help others in this space. Thank you for all your dedicationand hard work!

- Yaritza Juardo, Program Manager
Maceo was outstanding! Her presentation was engaging and interactive, well suited for ourvirtual environment. Although we have had ERGs in my agency for some time now, Maceo wasable to bring up new ideas and ERG concepts we just hadn't thought of. She deserves all thekudos she receives. Thanks ERG Homegirl!

- Anonymous Program Manager
Huge thank you to Maceo for speaking with our 50+ ERG leaders! She provided insightfulinformation about the importance and power of data to demonstrate the impact of employeeresource groups. Using her dynamic storytelling approach, she left our ERG leaders feelingmotivated and inspired. She shared wonderful resources and we are thrilled to join the ERGMovement to connect with others who believe in the power of employee resource groups.

- Sam Juarez, Program Manager
As a Lead of a newly launched ERG within an organization that needed to restructure and as aresult lose their Chief Diversity Office/my internal mentor, Maceo became a lifesaver. The ERGMovement platform continues to fuel our progress forward and strategy to measure success. Ibelieve the ERG Movement provides a growth journey that every single organization can benefitfrom.

- Anonymous ERG Leader
Maceo Owens is an angel! I had questions about ERG roles and structures and what was best for an organization of my size.

She scheduled time with me to listen to my concerns and helped me find a path forward that makes sense.

She also shared several helpful resources that will save me countless hours of work while at the same time, helping me set up an ERG strategy for lasting success.

Her expertise and knowledge in preparing for, creating, and sustaining ERGs - and navigatingthe roadblocks that may come up along the way - is absolutely invaluable.

If you have any questions about ERGs, Maceo Owens has the answers.

- Jeanine D'Alusio, Sr. Director of Diversity and Organizational Change, Schoox
The ERG movement has been an inspiring, thought-provoking resource. I love how you provide straight forward tips and tricks to strengthen the important work done by ERG leaders. As someone who has supported ERGs for a number of years, I really enjoy how you challenge us all to look at ERGs differently in order to evolve them for the better! Thank you so much for all you do!!

- Cindy, Program Manager
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And change lives for the better